What's up doc?

Wednesday 4th February 2009 - Again enjoying the early morning creatures outside my bedroom window, today an enormous Scrub hare reminded me of 'Curse of the Wererabbit', it was huge!
Walking the whole 100 yards to work, I concentrate on preparation for Kids in Parks, 500 children descending on the Park, an annual pilgrimage for some schools! It's not till October, so I have plenty of time to panic!
Tonight Ruhan and I are out scouting for Knysna Dwarf chameleons or Bradypodion Damaranum if you want to get technical. Meeting Daphne and Bruce (chameleon enthusiasts), we each grab a torch, and wander over the veld looking at the trees, where the reptiles like to perch apparently! Unfortunately the little critters evade us, although we do see a Puff Adder on the road, thankfully we were in the car at the time!