A case of the munchies!

Till Friday 27th February 2009 - Frustratingly my computer has decided to take a duvet day...... its not working and my pile of work is increasing! Luckily I have a meeting, which takes me into the Park to assess the river at Die Stroom. Me and my land loving legs are gathering information about kayaks and canoeing to increase the activities experienced by both, the disadvantaged kids and tourists visiting the Park. I get my first taste of off roading, my passenger Ruhan, is totally unimpressed and demands to drive on the way back - I obviously drive like a girl!
Talking of lightweight, I'm catching Zzzzzz for England, I'm putting it down to the heat, rather than my age! Tonight my beauty sleep is broken by noises outside, dare I look outside?! My bambi nets don't offer much in the way of protection! We have wood stored around the outside of the house ready for winter, what if it's a poacher - will I find the ability to scream?! Gingerly I approach the window, my eyes slowly becoming accustomed to the dark. What is it? The back end of something! Monochrome stripes! It's a zebra, enjoying a noisey feast at 2.30 a.m. - how inconsiderate! I watch as the zebra munches away literally 2 metres from my bedroom window, it is a youngster and is soon joined by it's mommy. Two noisy beggars.......yet Asanda, whose bedroom is the same side as mine, sleeps through the whole episode.
I have become mentor and perturbingly 'mother' as he called me (talk about feeling ancient) to Ruhan, he has aspirations to work with an overland company, and ultimately combine travelling the world, together with his missionary work. I reworked his seven page CV down to a practical two, and we e-mailed it to Oasis Overland, the company I wish to use on my next expedition! So fingers crossed.
This week, sat in the middle of the ant run across my office, I work into the night and set up my very own fundraising web page, how exciting eh, www.justgiving.com/tracybrookshaw after which I find time to polish my halo. Thank you to all those people that have already generously donated their hard earned cash to this noble cause. I am aiming to raise 500 pounds for Mabunda Primary School (post Food, Glorious Food) to reconstruct the damaged classrooms, and also provide much needed equipment.
Continuing with the ant theme, Thursday morning is spent with the Iimbovane Project, monitoring the ants in the Park, they are accompanied with six coloured children from Swellendam Secondary School, which is fantastic.
My angelic work from the previous night pays dividends, as Thursday continues I am blessed in so many ways, the sun is shining, 70 pounds worth of donations has hit my web page overnight, Kirsteen and I have been published in SANParks monthly magazine 'Go Wild' (the Bontebok team are amazed by my photo with the python), there is a herd of Bontebok outside my office, together with the old man tortoise, the veld is covered in crimson ball amaryllis and 400 lubricated condoms have mysteriously arrived in my office. Last, but not least I receive a letter from home, from 'Grannie' as Phiebe calls her. The not so perfect end to the perfect day is arriving home to a leak water pouring through the ceiling, flooding the hall, bathroom and kitchen. The whole house smells like wet dog! Oh well you can't have it all!
The weekend brings a girlie weekend to Wilderness National Park, and an early finish on Friday! Maybe this solves the 'rubber' mystery! I e-mail Phiebe clarifying that although Bulelwa and I are single, we intend to be good girls whilst away, and even if we weren't, 200 condoms each in a tad excessive! I am advised that I need to get a shift 'cos a batch of 400 arrives each month! Flaming Nora! It's like riding a bike, right?!?
Luck will have it - the condoms are to be displayed in the ablution block and Park toilets, so what comes naturally, can be enjoyed safely! Phewwwww!