It has come to the attention of the rangers, we have another injured Bontebok out on the veld, this one is lame, possibly suffering from a broken leg! I am invited to join them on their expedition of mercy!
Riding up front with Michael, we finally locate the animal. Michael being the only qualified ranger gets his rifle ready, Zan takes the wheel, letting Phiebe sit upfront, I clamber into the back of the bakkie with the boys. As Michael approaches the desperately thin animal on foot, it makes a run for it as considerable speed in view of its condition. Zan (Schumacher) follows in suit with the bakkie over the bumpy veld, trying to encourage the beast into Michaels range! Five to ten minutes of hot pursuit ensued, my boney little arse not being conducive to be thrown around over rough terrain, sustained a bruise, the size of your fist! Which was nothing in comparison to the fate of the poor Bontebok, which was ultimately shot and is likely to become biltong (dried meat) in the not too distant future!
Travelling back, we are ready for our well earned potjie, and just as it is ready, sods law! My mobile rings, it's the call from the UK that I've been awaiting all week, a reporter from a well known tabloid, wanting to interview me. Apologetically I take the call, only to return to find the gang have saved me some potjie, but eaten all the rice! Charming!
The bontebok potjie was very enjoyable accompanied with Mrs Ball's (unfortunate name) hot chilli sauce!