Sunday 8th February 2009 - Sunday again, shadowed by the Langeberg Mountains, I walk direct road for 3km to Lang Elsies Kraal, settle myself near the river, picking a shady spot under a tree to read my latest book!
I recognise a family that had been here the week before and get chatting to one of the ladies, her and her family had moved from Cape Town to Swellendam just over a year ago, and enjoyed many a Sunday afternoon here at Bontebok, where the kids could enjoy the river.
There is a cool breeze down near the water, not fully appreciating the heat of the afternoon, I make a hasty retreat back home, all will be explained later! I barely make it, my face, a beautiful shade of beetroot! Attractive!
Back home, Michael and Ruhan have brought in a dead Bontebok on the back of the bakkie. The animal had been severally injured in a fight, one of its eye hanging from its socket, giving Michael no option but to shoot it, putting it out of its misery. With a waste not, want not attitude, permission is sort to keep the Bontebok for meat and I am cordially invited to watch the proceeds. After a poor start, I think I have sunstroke, and Michael re-adjusting the animals eye is too much, I go for a lay down, before I fall down!
Feeling a bit of a wuss, I regain my composure and join Ruhan, to watch the master at work (see photo, not for the squeamish). Ruhan having previously been employed on a farm, has experience in this field, and has already removed its head by the time I arrive. I gingerly sit down, only to have a pair of testicles thrown in my direction! Oh balls!
Within an hour, we have several choice cuts of bontebok........... and one problem! We are still without electricity! Well, we are in Africa you know! To the best of his ability Ruhan puts the meat into one of the spare fridges and hopes for the best!
Later that evening, I spot a huge tortoise, it must be at least 30 years old, munching on the grass near reception, watching the sun go down!
NOT Going Wild about the Afrikaan I met in the river today, with the apparent inability to woe a woman! Hence my hasty retreat! It is not appropriate to introduce yourself, babe in one hand and then proceed with the other to feel up my legs! Firstly I don't like it, secondly I don't think your wife would either! Repeating that you find me 'very sexy' does not magically make it OK, seriously dude where are your manners?!?