Till Sunday 31 May 2009 - Feeling a little tired from events the previous evening, we make the three hour journey back to Swellendam in time for me to make my 'cake date' at Old Gaol with Bulelwa for some girlie 'skindering'.
In the afternoon I am asked to take Edward into the township, to pick up one of the works bakkies from Oom Arvys'. This is a place that needs to be experienced, it is difficult to find the words to describe this community, nothing in England comes close to find a comparsion, so I will try my best to paint a picture for you.
The labyrinth of Rainton is made up of small symmetrical brick built houses, usually consisting of just two rooms, each one finding its own unique identity and place on the colour spectrum in the rows of uniformity. The tar roads dissolve into dirt tracks, and the streets are always a hub of activity, lined with people come rain or shine, day or night. The streets, where dogs roam freely, where children seemingly without a care in the World will be found playing on the street, where fires can burn into the night.
Driving through Rainton for me is always an experience, leaving the township I am always thankfully to be leaving without incident. I fear not for my safety for I have always felt safe within this friendly community, my fear is that one of these days, a small child or animal will run out in front of me and I won't be able to stop in time.
Believe it or not, next week is the six monthly GVI trip away, so Bridgett arrives in Swellendam to enable us to travel together to Jo'burg. An early start is anticipated to catch our flight from CT, Ben is kindly transporting us so we spend the night at Marloth. Snuggled under duvets in front of the open fire in the lounge, I pray Bridgett doesn't confuse me for boyfriend Gerrard in the middle of the night.