Tuesday 2 June 2009 - In true GVI style we start the day with a game drive. Marakele National Park is split into two areas, one side being home to the bokkies, the other being the place to find the predators. Unfortunately we don't see any of the latter, but we do happen across a kaleidoscope of giraffes, two of which are participating in a spot of necking. This affectionate dance, sees each giraffe bobbing their heads and twisting their necks around one another and is truly a sight to be seen.
The rest of the morning is spent with presentation from each Intern on their last six months working at their individual Parks. Although interesting, some are longer than others and two hours later, it is a bit of a relief when they are over.
Whilst making lunch we have a visitor from a rather cheeky primate. Failing miserably to thieve any of our provisions, he makes a hasty retreat to the roof of our accommodation after being shooed off. Although all is not lost as he has managed to cover our tea bags in monkey spittle! Hell, I am glad I don't drink the stuff!
Marakele Kids in Parks is in full swing, so after lunch we travel through the Park to meet with People & Conservation Officer, Happy - yes that's his name, and children, to see how their programme is running. Bridgett and I are thrilled to find an old face - the KIP bus driver is none other than our very own Bassier and take the opportunity to catch up with him.
Sandra, driver extraordinaire, does a sterling job of driving the hefty Quantum up into the hills for a sun downer with the Cape Vultures. Scrambling over the rocky surface in flip flops, we finally find a perch near to the cliff edge. Drinking in the wonderful landscape, together with warm Hunters Dry, we sit watching the scavengers circle round and round on the thermals.
Back home in the Western Cape, Ben is heading to CT to support two of his children in the final of the Battle of the Bands. They are placed in the top four out of all the bands competing in this South African competition, so not bad going!