Driving Miss Daisy

Wednesday 13 May 2009 - An early start sees us leaving Duiker Cottage at 07h00, Jack has his Peace Officer examination at a shooting range in Cape Town at 09h30, we could get snarled up in rush hour traffic. We journey along the coast, the sun rising. Travelling through Mitchell's Plain, you can't help feeling a little on edge, the township being known as a bad area of Cape Town, the local community recently proclaiming the police were doing nothing turned vigilante, shooting known drug dealers. This somehow not assisting the areas notorious reputation.
The Bontebok Rangers, boy scouts in a former life they were not, as true to form we find ourselves lost in Bellville, no one knowing how to get to the shooting range, it's address or telephone number - fantastic! We stop at the nearby Police station to no avail, it is 09h30 the starting time of the examination! By some sheer good luck, we find it, having spent over two and half hours in the back of the bakkie with Eltons driving, I am by now feeling a little worse for wear. Nothing in moderation, the foot is either slamming on the brakes or floored on the accelerator, with all the Cape Town robots (traffic lights) it is no laughing matter.
Just as I think the day can't get any worse, we head to MAKRO, an oversized electrical store selling everything imaginable, preparation for Kids in Parks we need a proforma invoice and a quotation, but getting one member of staff that knows what they are talking about is another matter, then you have to go to each department separately, you turn around and where the hell is Aldo?? Arrggghhhh!
Mission finally completed after a few hours, I kid you not, it is back on the road to pick up Jack, who passed his exam with flying colours and commence the journey back home to Swellendam. The three hours is filled getting to know Jack and his culture a little better, as he tells me and Aldo about his family and the traditions.
One being that you must pay your in laws, when choosing a Wife. Latterly you have been able to pay in cold hard cash, but previously your Wifes hand in marriage was set by the number of cattle and sheep you could provide. Originally I thought the whole idea a little odd, lets face it girls, its hard enough these days finding a good man, let alone one that will marry you, and to pay for the privilege as well! But wait maybe they are on to something here, the man is surely showing he is the provider, hard as it seem, he is prepared to make the investment in you, putting his money where his mouth is, so to speak, so therefore does this show a greater commitment to being with the one he loves? Maybe? It's just a thought, serious though, what the hell do I know, men are from another planet :)