Taking the long straight road used by BMW and Mercedes to test their new prototypes, I start my lone journey to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. Heat rising from the tar, either side of the road is barren, the sky, a beautiful shade of pale blue with clouds tinged with pink, I pass telegraph poles covered with nests built sociable weavers, herds of goats shading under trees and the occasional bushman complete with loin cloth and bow and arrow sells his wares of trinkets and ostrich eggs. The dunes turning crimson the closer I get to my destination.
Arriving at the Transfrontier Park, bordering Namibia and Botswana. After the two and half hour drive I feel a tad hot and sweaty, yet completely liberated! I had made it to Blikkies!
After a quick freshen up - in a shower of soft salty water, I join Kirsteen and her trusty sidekick Koketso entertaining the tourist children with games and the showing of 'Lions of the Kalahari'.