So, here I am, in the diverse country that is South Africa, spending a year in the life of a GVI within the smallest of South Africans National Parks, Bontebok.
This blog, written under the majestic Langeberg mountains, is intended to keep you folks at home abreast of all my adventures, together with creating a personal account of my thoughts, feelings and sometimes emotions throughout my journey.
The idea being that by the wonders of the worldwide web, my written words will be held for prosperity, so that maybe one day when I am grey, old and surrounded by Grandchildren, I can say 'hey, I was young and adventurous once', or likewise when I am grey, old and infirm, I can bore the hell out of my fellow residents in the old age home.
Lastly, my introduction would not be complete without a word of thanks or three, for all my achievements have been realised with the love, support and guidance of those closest to my heart.
To my family, thank you for being my guiding light and seeing me through the darkness. Mum, for being you and for always listening, Lesley, for being my constant, my voice of reason and to Gran for simply understanding. I love you all.
To my friends, that come in a colourful array of personalities. Thank you all for your continuing encouragement and never failing support. Danni, my Star, my Angel, without you, I do not know where I would be, and to Karen for being forever there. You all make my World shine.
Perhaps somewhat ironically, I would also like to thank those few, from which I thought I would never recover. For without you, I would never have strived for better, nor had the opportunity to grow and become stronger.
And finally, a word to the wise, if you, yourself, are teetering on the edge of change, whether it be riding off into the sunset or simply discovering a new interest, in the immortal words of Nike.........just do it!
You never know you might just surprise yourself!